Law of attraction

You remember the movie The Secret, which focused on the Law of Attraction, right? Have you every decided to think more positive thoughts in order to change your life in a more positive direction? Did it work? For most people it doesn't ́t. They don't ́t get the results they want. The creation process is often a struggle. We typically meet a lot of resistance in making our dreams come true. You probably remember that it was massively misunderstood by many people, who thought it was basically a form of wish fulfillment. you can focus on what you want all day long, but if you don’t take action well, some men are eventually going to come along and take your car, your furniture, and kick you out of your house. Getting yourself to take the right actions depends on your state of mind. A brief explanation of what the law of attraction means, it is that as you spend time, energy and attention into your life it will come to you. Your thoughts sends feelings about what is on your mind and emotions attract similar energies.


Is that cool or what?

The law of attraction is like I said a universal law , and therefore it seems to everything and everyone , whether we believe in it or not. The law of attraction is a universal law , which has a static phase in a static order. Just like the law of gravity , which is also a universal law, you fall off course and not up in a tree. Just so also serves the law of attraction , it does not care if you understand it, whether you believe in it or not. It operates on its static way anyway. Everybody has certainly experienced its own example of the law of attraction really works. For example be that you have woken up one morning and feel that you just would like to spend all day in bed all feels so " hard " or "wrong." Still, you go up and over and over again so you can experience small events that just makes it even worse ... you spill your juice glass , 'll be late to work, have no cash on you at the coffee machine , or whatever it may be. Finally, when you lie down again in the evening so you think, " I would have never gone out of bed today ." Your day began with a negative feeling which then attracted similar energies and made your whole day was more or less negative. To know about the law of attraction , there is an incredibly powerful tool ! That means you can create your life exactly the way you want to live it ! No matter how many doors you have locked behind you you've got yourself the key to them all!


The more you understand and brings to you the law of attraction the more you will also understand that it is YOU who bears full responsibility for your own happiness ! Amazing! The question is not whether you can be happy but if you want to be? Faith seems as if you had been a big magnet that gives you the energy back that you send out . Tale Ways "As you make your bed so must you lie " and "Birds of a feather flock together " is thus completely true. The energies that you have chosen to send out comes back to you in what you experience in your everyday life, how you react to what happens and what people you meet , etc. This applies both the positive and negative energies that you choose to send out . The universe gives you what you "want" that is what you focus on even though you may feel that you focus on it because you DO NOT want it in your life.


But since you choose to focus on it (eg, concerns about how an important event in your life to go) and creating feelings about it and they attract similar energies sooner or later. I choose to think very anxious and negative thoughts can easily create a negative spiral that becomes harder and harder to get out of.

for me is the law of attraction is not about that one never thinks or feels bad days or negativity that happens , life is like a carousel , it goes up and down. The only question is that while the commute can the law of attraction to me rather to mitigate the negative downward spirals and raise the positive spirals so you get more out of the goodness of life as it actually involves at least for me





Svenska /images-8.jpg