Five quick tips how you can recover your intuition



by Christian Juul Sørensen


Every day we discover new things about ourselves wen we walk our path . There is spiritual growth or spiritual development. There are an incredible number of variations of metaphysical exercises you can do. But to keep it simple so here is a simplified version. An exercise of the intuition and a simple meditation.

1st Take half a glass of water and watch it for a while mostly as a symbolic act ahead of yourself. Your mind should be as clear and transparent and responsive as the water in the glass. So that you feel neutral in your approach. Then drink it !

2nd Place your self comfortably with a straight spine, sitting at about 30-40% of a kitchen chair,or lying. Now breathe neutral and rhythmically through the nose. Plain simply, you are present with all your senses. Relax for each exhalation and inhalation. One can visualize the rhythm of ocean waves that roars against the sandy beach for example. Close your eyes and simply look towards the tip of your nose or the forehead between the eyes, or just straight ahead.

3rd Let all thoughts come and go, attached no focus on anything. Are there too many thoughts, use repeated word or phrase , called a mantra. OM is the most common mantra but there are also other powerful words. OM represents the most basic and aimed at the man's soul. It will be a direct influence of the pineal gland which is the metaphysical spiritual center. When you say it out loud to yourself, a bit like OOOOOMMMMmmmm about eight times and then think about it during the session and you're soon inside yourself and not thinking. You forget and forget to think about it. But if you think that you do not think, so you think. Then you get to start over. It's like a dream state where you lose everything. You just are! Focus is the key, bit like the text " Where is the bow and arrow, and the soul is eternal target. Substring into it with secured sight and lose yourself in it like an arrow sinks into it hits . " Symbolically, it shows that you are absorbed into yourself with a goal.

4th Sit still now in silence and let yourself be affected by this condition for a long time. Are you a beginner , start with 10-20 minutes. It is a passive, receptive state you 're after. If during this voluntary rite or meditation see something, feel something, feel elation as you realize that you have succeeded. One must keep practicing to become receptive to this kind of experiences. You can also borrow a book from the library and keep it in your hands. And be receptive to the who, what has kept in it. And thus be influenced by how it has traveled and who may have read, kept and used in the book. And run the same exercise again, to be neutral and responsive to any spontaneous vision within.

5th Finish with a contemplation ( thinking) over the session and the experience of it all. One can even when you feel confident to do the same but without everything. To put yourself in a receptive, neutral state anywhere. And ask the question to his own intuition as it is called. But yes - a meeting with yourself and of the phenomena of life also means that things can pop up. Unprocessed pain, repressed memories , unfinished relationships , anger, hopelessness, discouragement , yes a lot . All this shows up for a reason, of a cause, something you have to deal with , as unfinished business . A way to heal. Go into it with the whole feeling and stay there for 30 minutes. Repeat the same if it is recurrent and for every perceived negative. The trick is to consider it inside and out only to see it disappear forever from your life. One can also write down the feelings to read it later after some time. It gives you a perspective on development. One way for you to see the change.

It gets a little funny, because you discover things like, " Aha , I'm like this , so nice! " A universal , infinite spawning , living mind. You will notice that the idle speed of your life is pure bliss. 

Everyone is different and get different results. This may not appeal to your needs - but there are many different methods that one can try. Until you find her . Or process their own method. There are no right or wrong - just different. It's good to get some form of guidance at first , to get some kind of direction in which you can train yourself to look beyond. 

Good Luck!

by Christian Juul Sørensen

4 Jun 2014