Five quick tips how you raise your consciousness

There are many who are talking about that we all have to raise our consciousness and that we will live in a more conscious way. But what does living more with consciousness means? Being conscious can easily be translated with experience, conscious experiences. How do you create all your experience, all your thoughts and feelings and circumstances of your life. What usually keep us back to the elevated consciousness is want of courage , fear, or uncertainty of change. We usually live as we always have done, though we do not always feel comfortable with what we do. Safety is the most important factor for most today, not to take any unnecessary risks. Do what you have always done , as others have done, but it may have a side effect to exaggerate the importance of personal safety. Instead of doing their own goals , follow the safety. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature , life is either a daring adventure or nothing. What if you delete and start to enjoy the things that you fear today ? What difference would it make in your life ?


First Dare to change you

Fear is not your enemy. It is a compass pointing out the areas where you need to grow . So when you encounter a new fear within yourself , celebrate it as an opportunity for growth. The exact process you use to build courage is not important . The key is that you consciously do it. To follow their biggest , most ambitious dreams, experience failure and disappointment , is common to us all. The most important thing is to start to introduce a new vision of yourself in your daily life , even if you initially can only do that in a small way . You will start living far more consciously and deliberately than you ever did before. 


2nd Walk the talk

If you really feel you want to work at a higher level of consciousness , stop talking about it and show it in your behavior. Being at a higher level of consciousness than another does not mean you are better than them, just more aware and less passive. You can experience failures and do away you repeatedly. But these are all milestones along the way for a more eventful life. They are your private victories when you exercise your human capacity for courage, and gradually build up the strength to face your deepest , darkest fears in order to live as the powerful you truly are. Instead of reacting to events , you will proactively manufacture your own events.

3rd possibilities instead of impossibilities

If you change the way you look at the situation , you would see that you get a great opportunity to raise your own level of consciousness. Being more aware is after all the first step. It does not matter who you are, we all make us out sometimes , loses things, falls. Consciousness is not about being perfect , it's just about being more aware . Look at yourself , learn from it , forgive yourself and move on , experience things, create events . Do not let anyone make you feel guilty or put you in fear that you do not do something ( or do something ) Make your own decisions based on your feeling. Do not believe what others just say , do not let others dominate you based on their uncertainty.

4th Experience things, create events

One can not know the experience without making them . How you will feel that having the wind touching your face, how you feel when you ride speeding down a hill, the adrenaline that you feel and the nervousness before throwing you out of slope. Loving someone deep and heartfelt , ask for a raise , change profession . We need to experience things to understand and appreciate them. We are all on this journey together and it is a journey without end.

5th Be more love and loving - full

Love! Love is the most disruptive energy. Love you, love them. Where love, speak love, act from love. Fall in love with yourself. Remember what it was like to fall in love and let that feeling fill your entire body. Or think of someone who loves you unconditionally and immerse yourself in that love. Have a great sense of humor, laugh a lot , laugh at yourself , play more , jump in puddles , swimming naked in the moonlight , sing loud in the car. Being more aware of experiences is to raise your awareness. It is often not the big things that raise consciousness without the little things in life. When you feel confident and loving , you will feel more positive and raise your consciousness.


When we do these little things so we do not just lift up our consciousness, we also lift others to the reality around us. Our positive vibrations lifts up and the positive influence other people .

By Camilla Martin