I have received some questions about distance relationship, this is quite natural today as we move around in the social media and stumble across someone who is far away. How to be happy in a distance relationship then? Here are my thoughts around a distance relationship .The first is the desire , the will to make it work , the desire to be together, if is not there, put it down.
Be honest with each other right from the beginning , do not build castles in the air as any of you can not keep up anymore . If you want a distance relationship all the time? Are any removable? If you want a "normal " relationship in the future? How often do you meet, find what works for both, there is no one man's race, if someone is not satisfied , it will suffer a hell of regret, longing and perhaps feel inferior. Set realistic goals, these are not set in stone, but gives both a chance to see the goal ahead.
Jealousy does not work in either, one must be able to trust each other because they often do not meet and you have a life on the other resort as well. Talk every day, no exceptions. Not seventeen thinks in a "normal " relationship "Today , I'm not home, and today I do not talk to my partner " send sms, mms, skype .. it would have been nice to get some pictures eg on something you have seen and be able to share it with a photo.
Talk feelings , longing, regret, what has happened, everything that is shared in a common ratio must also be assigned at a distance, does not distance relationship less important. Are you talking to litle the relationship die slowly. Schedule meetings , if nothing else , then at least the next meet. Not knowing whether or when to meet again becomes a frustration , irritation and missing can make you yearn to death.
Plan as much as you can , the love passes at a distance and then applies the gravity. We are so accustomed to a common ratio to express emotion through action at home on the couch , or with a good dinner , pats on the butt , kiss on the neck when walking past. It is not in the distance relationship , express your feelings, Say how you feel , happy, sad or what you know to describe your feelings for each other. Do little things for each other, it is easy to forget how important these little things mean.
They mean as much distance if not more. Was so vivid you can in words. Both must feel that this is worth it. Counting the days until you meet again instead of seeing how long it will take until next time. My most important and final piece of advice is : This person must be totally freaking outstanding, you have to darn feel a tremendous thundering colossal love in every part of the heart for this person , how do you else do to wake up every morning and know that this person you have selected is not next to you?