About me


Who am I?

Camilla Martin , born March 8 naked and screaming probably already then determination to pave my own path. A typical hypersensitive and strong-willed woman who does not really understand all of the labels that we must have, impossibilities and conformity. A little sad to human sleeping consciousness but inspired by human kindness and love. Overwhelmed by both beauty and tragedy in our world and committed to helping with a pioneering change and with love.

Since 2009, I have loosely defined myself as a conscious co-creative life coach,Life-Optimization Coach, social scientists, behavioral scientists and bachelor in social science main subjects psychology & management, Fortunately these labels does not matter to me today.

I love the ocean , feel the sand between my toes and hear the water lapping calm or stormy waves. I like to create my own rules , set my own hours, say no when I need to , even when I want to and work all day in my pajamas if it comes to mind. I get a little " crazier " of music and would do almost anything to learn to play an instrument .

Why am I?

My identity began for real in 2000 when I forced a traumatizing intense self-healing journey. In 2007 , I met myself for the first time. In 2009 , I began to apply my inner self to the outer world and simultaneously undergo a complete and radical change in the real me , the bigger me ( in more ways than I intended ) on me I always was but never felt that I was. I have realized that something very beautiful happens to people when their world has fallen apart , a humility , a love , a higher intelligence appears at just the point when their knees hit the ground. That even the darkest , lost , painful moments in life , was a gift. One may have to die a few times to really live. The mind needs space , time to become and to be aware .


My manifestations?

Sharing is caring , love conquers all and Inspiring Leadership Through purposeful living.



Camilla Martin