
Many seek love outside himself, or rather they are looking for something they want to satisfy. I'm trying to love unconditionally, with some errors of course. Unconditional love is affection without any limitations. This generally means for me that to love someone, no matter what they do or who they are. This does not actually mean you do not see their fault but you just love them despite everything. Love is very important. When you find someone through dating and relating who loves you for "who you are", it is an amazing experience. Similarly, it is rewarding to love someone else "as they are" . I believe that such a bond is priceless and should be nurtured with great affection. Love is part of our emotions, attachment chemicals in the brain (for those inclined), and spirit (for those inclined).




Relationships, however, are an entirely different thing. Relationships are working partnerships. They involve thoughts, reasons, and decisions. They require two (or more) individuals in communication, commitment, and cooperative exchange.

Unfortunately most relationships are based solely on the needs of the Ego and its desires to control, manipulate, create pain and “survive”. The need to seek love, approval and appreciation outside of ourselves is ubiquitous. Co-dependent relationships are rampant in our society with individuals trying to extract the love the think they don’t have from others. This leads to energy vampiring and control issues, thus keeping people in ego-driven relationships.


Two people do not get together and stay together unless they have the same or very similar frequency. In order to manifest a 5D relationship then your frequency must match a 5th dimensional frequency. But if you have energetic blockages in your frequency and chakras then these blockages will prevent you from vibrating at higher frequency and will repel you from manifesting a higher frequency relationship.

Anything that is encoded in your field like past painful experiences, karmic imprints, the emotional pain body, beliefs, etc. will have an effect on your frequency and attract you to people who have the same or very similar low frequency imprints encoded in their field.

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