
Everything around us has consciousness. Every person is a spark of consciousness. Every experience offers us ways to know ourselves better. As you access the inherent joy, light, abundance, and success of your natural energy, your life experiences change in fundamental ways.Your mind creates consciousness. You are on an eternal journey, forever expanding your consciousness and awareness.




I have faith in order to raise our consciousness in the best way, there are many things that are related.

First everything is energy, Second everything is connected. Third to be in balance with our chackran,Embody Your Essence Vibrate at a higher frequency as you embody your Higher Self and experience life from the higher chakras. 

The root chakra — survival, fears and sex. This chakra also corresponds to the physical body and the subconscious mind.

The sacral chakra — pain, suffering, victimization and abundance. This chakra also corresponds to the emotional body.

The solar plexus chakra — control, power and self-esteem. This chakra also corresponds to the mental body and rational mind.

These three chakras correspond to our incarnate identity or the Ego. They are a fundamental part of who we are BUT we are not meant to experience our entire lifetime from these lowerchakras. Instead we are meant to activate the chakras that correspond to our Higher Self (4th chakra and above) and progressively experience aspects of our higher multidimensional anatomy/awareness. Once we can tune in and live from the higher chakras, we will inevitably experience relationships that are fueled from the energy emanated by these higher vibrational energy centers.

Unfortunately most relationships are based solely on the needs of the Ego and its desires to control, manipulate, create pain and “survive”. The need to seek love, approval and appreciation outside of ourselves is ubiquitous. Co-dependent relationships are rampant in our society with individuals trying to extract the love the think they don’t have from others. This leads to energy vampiring and control issues, thus keeping people in ego-driven relationships.

 4th our feminine and masculine energies should have balance. Balance our inner divine masculine and feminine energies to transcend all power struggles.5th in order to have great relationships should our frequencies harmonize with our partner. Everyone has a certain frequency (the vibratory oscillation rate of the atomic and sub-atomic particles in your field) which ranges between 50-150 Ghz. Frequency is extremely important because of the Law of Resonance which states that depending on the frequency you have you will resonate with people, places, times, things and events that have similar frequency if not identical frequency.



6th we vibrate out energies that match us. Two people do not get together and stay together unless they have the same or very similar frequency. In order to manifest a 5D relationship then your frequency MUST MATCH a 5th dimensional frequency. But if you have energetic blockages in your auric field, chakras and DNA then these blockages will prevent you from vibrating at higher frequency and will repel you from manifesting a higher frequency relationship. Anything that is encoded in your field like past painful experiences, karmic imprints, the emotional pain body, beliefs, etc. will have an effect on your frequency and attract you to people who have the same or very similar low frequency imprints encoded in their field.



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