Higher consciousness


A lot of people are talking about that we have not raised our consciousness high enough. That we should meditate more, practice Yoga, clearing our chakras, and learn the correct commanding technique for finding a higher consciousness. What we think is that it should be noted that raising our consciousness needs to go in each individual’s own pace. Raising our consciousness is so much more for the body, it can activate things and several things can happen to us. An example is that it can activate our chakras "wheel of life" in our body and activates the kundalini which is the one that activates the higher chakras. Kundalini is the life force and even the sexual energy, the energy that flows through these chakras through the spine. When the kundalini energy is rising through the chakras, it can cause big problems for the bodily and mental health. Kundalini arousal creates problems, if it is activated at a time when an individual is not morally mature thus putting extreme pressure on the physical body and on the unconscious areas of the psyche. 



We do not recommend those practices that specifically aim to forcefully awaken the Kundalini without proper guidance. However, any meditation or spiritual practice that is based on the experience of peace and self-awareness from silence is not forcing the kundalini to rise. By removing the conditioning and limitations in the mind and the body, but we are all different and you may be affected by it. These meditations and Yoga should allow for an awakening when the person is naturally ready for it and so the experience will be more smooth and easy. That's not to say that once you start a meditating that the rest of your journey to enlightenment will be easy in every respect. We all have our unique past histories, and unravelling that conditioning will be a different experience for every person. 


The Energy of Love 

There are other paths to awakening and no one other than you know which one you should take. One way to a safe way to a higher consciousness is the unselfish way, by love. One cannot jump from a sleeping state to higher consciousness and one cannot become a "being of love and light" straight away. To get into contact with the highest form of spiritual energy of the Universe, in the “Energy of Love" one must vibrate on a high frequency oneself. It is not until then that "Love" recognises itself! Now we do not claim that one can not being a person of love and light, but rather that one should be careful not to follow the crowd to enlightenment. Some people may want to”press your buttons” to force you to a faster higher consciousness. 


Back off and do not be influenced by these people where they are on their journey has nothing to do with your own to make. You are already awesome. We do not only become better people on a mountain top by ourselves all the time. In order to get that you need to integrate with other people, be helpful, be gratitude, give of yourself, love yourself, find yourself and through love. To practice the art of being a good human being, who is a joy and blessing for his / her surroundings and the whole, we can also do this by raising our energies. We think that there are no shortcuts to enlightenment. We also think that this behaviour will lead us more safely and calmly to moral maturity to get to a higher consciousness. 


By being grateful, to give love, be humble towards others and not forcing anything, meditate, do yoga with more awareness of just for the calm within yourself and do not feeling compelled to raise you to a higher consciousness. Eckhart Tolle says 

"attention and presence always takes place in the present. If you try to make something happen, you create a resistance to it. It is by removing the resistance to allowing the developing energy will become." 


There are no shortcuts, Please don't forget that by identifying with the ego, the image of who you think you are. Be yourself, you are already awesome.

16 Aug 2014