
Been thinking a bit about some things in a relationship such as the word compromise, what does it really mean? We have always been informed that in a relationship we should compromise on things that pop up, why? Deaths not really because both give up less than what we want.

Man wants e.g. have a car , the woman wants more security, so the woman gives up the need for more security and the man gives up the idea of ​​a new car and both become unhappy , Oops , what a great relationship we have created. 

 I think compromise deaths we do not know what and how to communicate in a relationship, what we both need. We like sticks and both need to give up and give in.

Instead of simply compromise, I think we can negotiate. In a negotiation you get a better understanding of what is so important to the other. I want to know , because I want to understand something more about you. What's with the security that I need to understand ? Why do you need that particular car .

There must be an understanding of each other , when we understand each other , we can feel and come to an agreement that we both feel comfortable with then compromise really into when we negotiate when we truly understand the meaning and importance of what is so important to the other.

It may also be that in the hearing that we ourselves come when we must explain that it is not so important what you wanted or needed really. 

26 May 2014